Our Mission
We unite people with resources to improve the quality of life of families and individuals in Portage County.
Our Vision
A Portage County where no resident is without food, no child is without tools to learn, and no one is without access to care.
United Way Worldwide
United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. In order to live better, we must LIVE UNITED.
Diversity & Inclusion
United Way of Portage County (UWPC) believes that every person is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect – this includes equal treatment and access to justice. Recent events involving violence and threats against African-Americans, Hispanics and others expose our society’s underlying systemic racism, prejudice and privilege that prevents too many people from being treated with the humanity and respect they deserve. These incidents are abhorrent and run counter to everything United Way, our volunteers, donors and staff value, live and fight for every day.
Systemic racism is a pandemic that has plagued our country for more than 400 years. We condemn any and all acts of violence against marginalized communities and denounce the systemic failures of the justice system. We support those who advocate peacefully for an end to these atrocities. It is more important now than ever that we stand together as one community against brutality and injustice. Everyone must commit to do the hard work needed to ensure that the ideal of equal treatment is the reality.
Together people of every background and identity must call out discrimination and demand its removal from our society; otherwise, we are endorsing the status quo and are complicit in the abuses that follow.
Each of us must do our part, working United, to make our communities the places that we need them to be – equitable, respectful and opportunity-filled. We, as a society, can and must do better to guarantee that the basic human rights and freedoms of every person in every community are respected, protected and defended.