EFSP Application

Agency Information
Funding Request

Shelter Application

Only complete this section if your program is applying for emergency shelter funds.

Eligible program costs:

  • Rent/Mortgage assistance: one month’s rent or mortgage payment for individuals and families when payment is in arrears and the client is a resident of the home, is responsible for the rent/mortgage, and all other resources have been exhausted.  Note: Payment must guarantee an additional 30 days of service.
  • First month’s rent for individuals/families who are transient and plan to stay in Portage County for an extended period of time; are moving from a temporary shelter to more permanent housing; or are being evicted because one-month payment will not forestall eviction in current housing.  Note: Payment must guarantee 30 days of service.
  • Off site emergency lodging in a hotel or motel when no other appropriate shelter is available.  Note: Payment must not be more than 30 days of service.

Ineligible costs:

  • Late fees, legal fees, deposits, and condo fees.

Please complete all information below if you are applying for funds to supplement current shelter programs.

Shelter/Housing Funding Application
Describe the program’s current rent/mortgage assistance program, including the type of service provided, income eligibility criteria, geographical restrictions, how often service is provided, tracking of participants and the number of households assisted in the previous calendar year.

Utility Application

Only complete this section if your program is applying for emergency utility assistance funds.

Eligible program costs:

  • Metered utility assistance (includes gas, electricity, water and sewer service): one month’s costs for each utility for individuals or households when payment is in arrears, and the client is a resident of the home and is responsible for the utility billing, and all other resources have been exhausted.  Note: Payment must guarantee an additional 30 days of service.
  • Non-metered utility assistance (includes oil, firewood, and coal) for individuals and families: payment is limited to a one-time delivery (minimum amount of delivery).  Note: The intent of non-metered utility assistance is to provide 30 days of service.

Ineligible costs:

  • Payments for utilities exceeding one month’s costs, late fees, deposits, cable TV bills, and phone bills.

Please complete all information below if you are applying for funds to supplement current utility programs:

Utility Application
Describe the program’s current utility assistance program, including the type of service provided, income eligibility criteria, geographical restrictions, how often service is provided, tracking of participants and the number of households assisted in the previous calendar year.
Describe the program’s current utility assistance program, including the type of service provided, income eligibility criteria, geographical restrictions, how often service is provided, tracking of participants and the number of households assisted in the previous calendar year.


Only complete this section if your program is applying for emergency food assistance funds.

Eligible program costs:

  • Food items in the form of served meals or groceries;
  • Purchase of consumable supplies essential to mass feeding (elastic cups, plates, utensils, detergent, etc.);
  • Purchase of consumable supplies essential to mass shelters (i.e. hygiene products, cleaning supplies, limited first aid supplies);
  • Purchase of consumable supplies essential to the distribution of food (i.e., bags, boxes, etc.);
  • Purchase of small equipment not exceeding $300 per item and essential to mass feeding (i.e., pots, pans, utensils, and small appliances).

Ineligible costs:

  • Tobacco, alcohol, food for special events/holiday events.

Please complete all information below if you are applying for funds to supplement current feeding programs:

Food Application
Describe the program’s current food assistance program, including the type of service provided, income eligibility criteria, geographical restrictions, how often service is provided, tracking of participants and the number of households assisted in the previous calendar year.

Please download and save the below attachments for your records.  Attachment 3 containing the budget info should be completed in a spreadsheet program and uploaded using the upload buttons below.
Attachment 1 - Appeals Process Policy
Attachment 2 - Local Recipient Organizations Responsibilities
Attachment 3 - Proposed Program Budget Template


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